Tone Decay Hearing Test

Why need Tone Decay Hearing Test?

The tone decay test is used to assess the auditory system’s ability to adapt to a continuous sound. It is a subjective test, meaning that it relies on the patient’s response to indicate whether or not they can hear the sound.

The test is performed by playing a pure tone at a level slightly above the patient’s hearing threshold. The patient is then asked to signal when they can no longer hear the tone. The test is typically performed for 60 seconds, but it can be stopped earlier if the patient loses track of the tone.

The tone decay test is used to diagnose a variety of hearing disorders, including:

  • Cochlear hearing loss: This is the most common type of hearing loss and is caused by damage to the hair cells in the inner ear.
  • Meniere’s disease: This is a chronic inner ear disorder that can cause hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and vertigo (dizziness).
  • Acoustic neuroma: This is a benign tumor that grows on the auditory nerve.
  • Otosclerosis: This is a condition that causes the bones in the middle ear to harden and become less mobile.

The tone decay test can also be used to monitor the progression of hearing loss over time. This can be helpful in determining whether a patient is responding to treatment or if their hearing loss is getting worse.

Why is the tone decay test important?

The tone decay test is an important tool for diagnosing and monitoring hearing disorders. It can help to distinguish between different types of hearing loss and to determine the severity of the loss. The test is also relatively quick and easy to perform, making it a valuable tool for audiologists.

If you are experiencing any hearing problems, it is important to see an audiologist for a comprehensive evaluation. The audiologist may recommend a tone decay test to help diagnose the cause of your hearing loss and to develop a treatment plan.

5 facilities of Tone Decay Hearing Test

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